
SADAFCO Products Innovation

SADAFCO’s organizational philosophy is driven by innovation in products. Constant product innovation is essential not only for the sustainability of business but also to enhance the well-being of society at large. This topic refers to new product development initiatives and product and process improvement and innovations.

New products & innovations

In the last year, several new launches have been carried out as part of our ongoing innovation program to delight consumers and build overall Saudia presence in the market. We have launched the Middle East’s first drinkable snack  and followed it up with launches of Mayonnaise and a limited launch of the country’s first Saudi Made Oat Drink to delight discerning Saudi consumers who passionate about the environment and their health, among others.


During last year our Training & Development department facilitated learning through

Online training
On Job Training

It was our first full year in which we gained experience with an e-learning platform, and we shall continue to utilize the benefits of the platform in the year to come. We recorded 20,481 learning hours delivered to 906 colleagues. Among the registered learnings were 3 university degrees, 4 professional certificates, soft skills trainings, awareness sessions, functional and behavioural development trainings Total of 125 skills.

Succession planning discussions continue to be embedded in culture of the organization. IDPs (Individual Development Plans) stimulate these discussions because staff is encouraged to take responsibility of their own development, which in turn stimulates discussions between staff and their line manager. Leadership training is one method to prepare staff for future roles. In this context we joined the HADAF program to develop our future leaders.

As a social service contribution to the Kingdom, national talents were offered internships within the company. Three (3) out of the six (6) trainees joined SADAFCO upon completion of internships: in Finance, IT and in the laboratory/ Marketing.

In the last quarter of the year, we signed an agreement with a consultancy firm that will facilitate us in our Cultural Journey. A journey that will further develop our culture, so together we achieve our Vision 2030 mission. New values will be added to our existing values, new methods will be introduced to recruit and appraise staff to assure that SADAFCO becomes the best place to work at. To begin with, on 3 March we celebrated ‘Appreciation Day’, a journey on itself that went throughout all SADAFCO and beyond.

Certificates and Awards

Despite a challenging year for the company, the performance bonus was executed to all eligible employees. Annual salary review was executed for all eligible staff in non-managerial positions only.