How to stay healthy

How to stay healthy

The health programs have begun to pick up again, with the purpose that staff live healthy and maintain good health.

Communication & Connectivity :We ended the year with opening a new chapter titled ‘Back to Normalcy’. After two years of challenges to keep our staff connected, it ended positively. Many efforts were employed to make sure staff is involved, connected, and engaged. Our employees have proven that our nature makes it impossible for us to be normally productive without being socially connected.

The company held Townhall meetings and this year’s aim was to have such meetings on a more regular basis. Townhall meetings in SADAFCO address employees’ questions and issues with top management and open the opportunity to understand the company’s direction. Our new CEO introduced himself through a Townhall meeting and not long after virtually presented SADAFCO’s Vision 2030 to all employees.

SADAFCO stands out with its daily internal newsletter ‘Pulse’. The purpose of Pulse is to keep people well informed, engaged and connected by sharing the company’s, and staff’s news, initiatives, launches and training programs. During the year, the internal newsletter interviewed more than 30 employees, activated 5 awareness campaigns and programs, and shared more than 7 surveys. In the coming year, SADAFCO will look how further it can improve its communication via new channels, placing staff as the core driver for change.

In SADAFCO, we take the opportunity to celebrate National Day and National Days of the home countries of our staff. Last year’s celebration of the Saudi National Day focused on Diversity & Inclusion unified by the Kingdom’s theme ‘It’s our home’.

Last February, SADAFCO, as part of its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), participated in cleaning up Jeddah Makkah Road under the ‘Great Environment’ initiative. Together we invested 255 hours of our time and cleaned up 980 kg of trash. It was fun! The memory of this event will remain with us all, at the same time it made us aware of our social responsibility, in Saudi Arabia and everywhere else.

During our ‘Cultural Journey’ in the New Year, we shall continue to focus our attention to subjects mentioned above for SADAFCO and its employees.

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